PD Speaks


Lust can be such a sweet companion. As the prince or princess in charms, it will fasten its hands to yours, leading you places.

Fantasy land.


World unknown.

If unchecked, finally to damnation.

No thanks to my childhood days that sold me into the able hands of ‘akara’. While you will consider chicken and chips or pounded yam and Egusi soup as your best meal, mine is “akara”.

I cannot explain this in details but I love akara. I can sniff the aroma from a seller frying it distance away. After buying some, I will eat it stylishly on the road because I can’t just wait to get home.

You need to see my techniques of tossing them one after the other into my mouth, wishing and praying that it doesn’t finish.

After eating, I will either return to get some more or contrive to cope with the craving and hunger the previous had created and left with me. This was a cycle I couldn’t break or alter for years.

Recently, I sat before a doctor and he tactfully announced.

“Over secretion of food enzymes has caused some irritation around your chest, the reason for your burning sensation”. After much medication the doctor said amongst other things “you will have to cut down on your intake of vegetable oil and beans……..” this I considered the euphemism for ‘akara’.

What!! This was ridiculous. Simply impossible!!

“How do I stop to take ‘akara’ and be a normal person? Life will not remain the same.

How do I survive one more temptation as I walk by the seller salivating from cravings?”

See, how do I stop what I knew was one of the meals irritating my chest and causing injury?- this is our dilemma with lust.

Lust is so sweet on our tongue and it proves difficult to spit out.

As a lady, while you are reading the romance novel, you continually catch yourself going back to read the romance and sex scenes over and again fantasizing and continually drinking voraciously the milk it is producing. Right?

As a guy, you sit down to watch that indecently dressed girl, undressing her in your mind’s eye and wishing the wind will blow the mini-skirt up so you could see more.

Lust can be sweet, isn’t it?

This is our argument most times “how do I extricate lust from my life and hope to be normal, the abstinence itself may kill me. It will make life boring, less adventurous, no fantasy, no gaiety, no life. “

This is the lie we so easily believe.

When we settle with Satan’s lie, the bruises and tears caused by this irritant leaves our ‘heart burn’ bleeding and decaying.  Each mass of lust we gulp down causes more injury.

But as we begin to obey God, you will soon realize that at the brink of obedience and abstinence is real life. The life Jesus died for.

A life lived to glorify God, the one who commands us to be holy.

The allures of lust may seem insurmountable, its hypnotic tendencies may prove indomitable, God calls us to live above our cravings, this is the path to experiencing real life.

“It is only the pure in heart that will see God.”(matt 5:8)

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