PD Speaks



Today we take advantage of Father’s Day Celebration to glean from this subject.

We live in a world that keeps attempting to fault the place of father’s and fatherhood. Intentional acts of single parenthood is being propagated and that with grave effrontery. Social media space, movie industry, magazines, radio and television programs, sports and games, education, entertainment, culture and so on are experiencing cultural replacement and lots more. Fatherhood is the bane and headquarter of families and faulting it is faulting Godly ordinance and failure is imminent. Little wonder the decaying state of the families, societies, nations and the world at large.

Sadly, religious institutions and churches are blindly building on the unGodly and faulty premise in an attempt to secure social, economic and political (global) acceptance. Weep for the nations!

Listen folks, God, who in the begining created the woman as and the only suitable helpmeet for man, is not just El- Elyon (The most high God). He’s also Adonai (Master), El-Shaddai (Lord, God Almighty) and Elohim Chacham Kol (God, all wise), you can’t undo Him by your human perception, you’re better-off embracing the revealed truth as canonized in the Holy Bible, the only authority of Godliness given unto mankind.

‭Job in chapter 33 verse 12-13 (AMPC) attempting to describe God’s all-wise nature says it this way:
“… God is superior to man. Why do you contend against Him? For He does not give account of any of His actions. [Sufficient for us it should be to know that it is He Who does them.]”

I often wonder how man, being a mortal creature attempts to be at same level of reasoning or intelligence with God, his creator. This is not only dim-witted, but painfully, an exercise in futility too.

Every human child is a product of father and mother’s input, that’s God’s ordinance and can’t be erased.

Attempts to altar this pattern has caused and still causing untold depravity and hardship on mankind. Humanity is loosing it’s estate for being animalistic.

We can’t close our eyes and hearts to the unfortunate incidences of rascally fathers and irresponsible fatherhood some have suffered from but that doesn’t rubbish God’s intent. Fathers are God’s regent for the running of the society.

‭God declares of Abraham in Genesis 18:19 KJV‬
“For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him”.

‭Deuteronomy 6:7-9 KJV‬
says it another way ” thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. [8] And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. [9] And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates”.

Fathers, our calling is beautifully crafted by God, our duties are painted all through the scriptures: to raise Godly seeds. (Psalms127:1-5).

The implementation and continuity of Godliness on earth rests heavily on fathers; This is what raising Godly kids is all about.

Let fathers submit to God and raise generations of Godliness.

David Nkenchor ( P.D ) Point-Man, MOK Happily Married with Children Pastor/Counselor/Life- Coach.


  1. Hmm! The implementation and continuity of Godliness on earth rests heavily on fathers. We need this truth for our time.

    Thanks so much for raising these important insights. Truly, the world needs fathers who are intentional about their roles.


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